Tuesday, January 17, 2006

In Love With Two Men

Well, I fell in love twice this week. The first time I fell in love was when I held Isaac for the first time. I knew I loved him while he was still in my tummy, but I never imagined how consumed I would be immediately after he arrived. The second time I fell in love was with my husband all over again. He stood and stared at Isaac for what seemed like forever after he was born just making sure he was OK. As many of you know, bringing home a new baby is a very emotional time, especially for mothers. Joe has been my rock. I thank God for him every day and don't know how I could make it without him. When I've been out of my head with anxiety and worry, he's taken my face in his hands and let me know that we're in this together. I am so proud of him.

We're all so happy to have Isaac here, but I don't think anyone is more happy about it than he is. He is such a good baby. With the exception of the first two nights home, where he woke up literally every 30 minutes, he hardly ever cries. He will cry when we change his diaper if it's too cold or if he is really hungry and I'm being slow getting to him but that's about it. We're rotten. When he does get fussy we scramble around like crazy people because we're just not used to it. It's decided - we're not having any more. No other baby could possibly be as good as him.

Isaac had his first visit to the doctor on Monday. You can see pictures in the week 1 picture set in the photo album. It was a standard newborn visit. He now weighs 8 lbs. 6 oz. The doctor seemed pleased with his weight and color. He has his two week check-up next Wednesday where he will hopefully be back up to his birth weight.

Before I sign out here to go spend time with my two favorite men, I want to take a moment to thank everyone who prayed for us during my pregnancy. We had a beautiful, healthy baby and a safe delivery. Joe and I couldn't have asked for more. I would ask that everyone continue to pray for me and Joe; that we would make wise decisions for Isaac and be Godly examples to him as he grows. God Bless You All.

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